Welcome To Stella Mary's CBSE School

Stella Mary's CBSE School is promoted by the Nova Educational Trust, founded by well-known business entrepreneur Dr. Nazareth Charles and his wife late Mrs. Mary Stella Charles.

As a 21st century educational institution, our unique value proposition is to respond proactively to the growing need for nurturing skills. We do this through specialized programs that place students on a growth continuum, helping them move up the ladder, across subjects and levels.

Our vision is to emerge as a favoured edu-destination for twenty-first century thinkers and doers; where the priority will be learning and global citizenship. In the Stella Mary"s learning space, students will be provided with academic support and spiritual guidance; to ensure that they become creative and logical thinkers, capable of making a difference to society.

A Note from the Founder

Dear Stella Mary's Families,

With an extensive experience in education , we felt a strong urge to revolutionize education as the world keeps changing. It was our long time dream to start a school with a difference. Quoting Albert Einstein, " Education is not learning of facts but the training of mind to think". We do believe that a good education should create people who can think critically and express themselves clearly.

With this desire in mind we started STELLA MARY'S CBSE SCHOOL to make our vision come true. We aspire to change the way we educate children so that they become a positive force in the society upholding values and traditions. The school firmly believes in holistic development of each child.

We will inculcate justice, compassion and honesty in the young minds. We will lead them to become focused, determined and optimistic. Let education empower the children to build healthy minds and thereby a peaceful nation.

It is our aim to provide an experience that allows your child to be very well prepared for both the present and the world they will inherit in the future. We are determined to bring out the best in every single child who comes to us to learn.

Why Choose SMCS

  • A safe, secure and a happy learning environment
  • Well-qualified faculty
  • Value-based education for an all-round student development
  • Emphasis on Spoken English in the campus
  • The Teacher-Student ratio in Kindergarten is 1:15
  • The Teacher-Student ratio in Primary is 1:30
  • Wide Range of Extra-Curricular activities

Our Facilities



The school library is open to all students. The library has an extensive collection of books, periodicals and newspapers


Science Lab

We offer fully equipped and spacious science laboratories in adherence with CBSE safety guide lines.


IT Lab

Our computer laboratory with numerous computers each updated windows 7 gives each student adequate,



In Karate one never stops practicing the basic techniques as these are the foundation of all that is to follow.



Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony,



Better vision. Children who spend time outdoors playing, especially organized sports, are less likely to develop vision,

Creativity, passion and excellence. We discover the hidden genius in every child.


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